LoRaWAN® recognized as an International ITU Standard for Low Power Wide Area Networking

After LoRaWAN® was developed as an open standard from the start, which has also been recognized by the LPWAN community and is reflected in the rapid worldwide acceptance as a LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) for the Internet of Things, it is now officially recognized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as an international standard for Low Power Wide Area Networking (LPWAN).
The exact title of the ITU standard is Recommendation ITU-T Y.4480 “Low power protocol for wide area wireless networks” and, if you want to know more, falls within the remit of Study Group 20 of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), the standardization expert group of the ITU for the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities. The whole thing was announced on December 7th, 2021 by the LoRa Alliance®, which, together with the ITU-T, has endeavored to have LoRaWAN® formally documented as an international standard by an independent authority. This created an important prerequisite for achieving the interoperability required for massive scaling in the future and ultimately for even greater growth of LoRaWAN®. Furthermore, this also confirmed the decision of the market to adopt LoRaWAN® as an international standard.
For more background information, we recommend the detailed original article by the LoRa Alliance® and a look at the ITU homepage.
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