B.One Community now also in English

B.One Community now also available in English
- 📖🕓 ≈  2 min -

Up until now, the B.One Community was only available in German, which may have prevented some people from joining or reading articles on our blog. This is now over, because from now on all content and functions are also available in English! 🙂 Flag GB

Are you already a member here and do you have English-speaking friends, colleagues or other contacts who are or could be interested in the B.One Community? Then simply invite them to register as well.

How can you change the language?

Changing the language is child’s play. Simply use the language switcher at the top right of the header, which you may have already discovered. You can find this in the same place on every device:

Sprachumschalter im Header in der B.One Community
B.One Community: Geöffneter Sprachumschalter im Header
Sprachumschalter im Mobile Header des B.One Community Blog
B.One Community: Sprachumschalter im mobilen Header des Blogs

Publish a new blog post in which language?

Would you like to publish your own post on our blog , but are still wondering in which language you should write it? Simply the one that you feel more comfortable in. We will then translate the blog post into the other language for you.

Recommended1 recommendationsPublished in Communities, General, IoT News, Operating Aids

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