Forum Replies Created
Member28. November 2024 at 11:41 in reply to: Introduction to Lora Wan and connection of a GatewayHello @System_Doc , there have been similar questions/discussions in the forums before, but I’ll try to summarize it, although one must also differentiate a little:
Activation ZENNER Gateway SMART
To activate your Gateway Smart, I recommend at first the following blog post: https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/blog/iot-gatewayplus-smart-get-started-in-less-than-5-minutes/. Basically, you only have to plug the GW into the socket once and connect it to the local WLAN, as described there. After that, it should be online and ready to receive data. It is NOT necessary to add the gateway in your own tenant beforehand. In addition, A gateway ordered in the shop is currently not visible in the customer’s own client, as described in the blog post about the GW Smart under “Advantages & Limitations”: https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/blog/zenner-iot-gatewayplus-smart-compact-indoor-gateway-with-lorawan-network-for-the-socket/. The same applies to the B.One Gallery.
B.One Gallery
If you would like to have your sensor data visualized in the B.One Gallery, you can simply add it to your B.One Gallery account, as described in the following blog post: https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/blog/b-one-gallery-howto-add-sensors/. However, you do not need to do anything else in the ZENNER Datahub, as can also be read in the post.
Additionally, I can also recommend the following blog posts and similar forum discussions:
- https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/blog/quick-guide-b-one-gallery/
- https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/blog/visualization-tool-b-one-gallery-an-introduction/
- https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/forums/discussion/how-do-i-get-access-to-the-b-one-gallery/
- https://community.zenner-connect.com/en/blog/howto-install-lorawan-sensors-avoid-missing-data/
Hope this helps 🙂
Best regards
Hi Rajib,
The naming of the two parameters can actually be a bit confusing. Here is the difference:
- Event Time = Date & time of sending/transmission of the respective measured value (reading) or data packet
- Device Time = Date & time of recording the respective measured value (reading), also corresponds to the value “Timestamp” in the “Packages” tab
And yes, both are part of the device payload.
I hope this answers both of your questions.
Best regards!
Hello Fabian,
a direct local forwarding of the data received by a
ZENNER IoT Gateway is not possible
and at least not currently planned. Since the purchase of a ZENNER GatewayPLUS always gives you preconfigured access to the ZENNER Connect LoRaWAN network , this must be stored accordingly in the ZENNER Datahub. But it is possible without any problems, as described in
the blog post mentioned above, sending the data via MQTT to a corresponding
endpoint and then further processing it there.
I hope that answers your question? 🙂Best regards 🙋♂️
Hi @Nikolas, you can now easily order the extension of your Gallery license in the shop: https://iot.zenner.shop/en/Extension-of-use-for-the-B.One-Gallery-1-year-50-devices/801587
And if your usage license for the ZENNER Connect LoRaWAN network expires, you can also order the extension directly via “Further services” on the right.
Best regards
Hello @LukasF, I have a little update on this if it is still interesting for you and you haven’t already seen it yourself. In the ZENNER Shop it is now possible to purchase a pure B.One Gallery license, even without purchasing an IoT GatewayPLUS 🙂
Best regards!
Access to the B.One Gallery for 24 months and up to 50 devices | 801628
B.One Gallery - The standardised visualisation platform for your IoT sensors & solutions With the purchase of this service product, you receive an account on the B.One Gallery visualisation platform with access for up to 50 devices for a … Continue reading
Hello Lukas,
exciting use case, even if it’s sad that you need solutions for it at all. Have you made any further progress here? If not, here’s a first idea I’d like to try:
Convert existing socket(s) to a radio-controlled socket with a smart plug (such as this one: https://iot.zenner.shop/en/nke-WATTECO-Smart-Plug-LoRaWAN-Radio-Socket-p-170791) and connect and control the “signal light” and “siren” to it. As a result, they do not necessarily have to support LoRawAN and it may be a little easier to find suitable devices for it or one that can do both. Then use the RuleEngine in the ZENNER Datahub to store the relevant rules, which send a downlink to the radio-controlled socket with the relevant command when it is opened (perhaps simply turn the power on when it is opened and turn the power off when it is closed).
How does that sound to you? Like I said, I’d just give it a try. Let’s see what comes out of it in the end 🙂
Best regards
MichaelHi Ingo,
the only fields you have to fill in when adding a new sensor are the ones for the so-called device keys, i.e. DevEUI + JoinEUI + AppKey. You simply leave Rx-Relay as pre-filled and all other information is optional.
Where you get this information or keys depends on where you purchase or have purchased the devices and partly also from the manufacturer. For devices ordered in the ZENNERShop, you usually receive the keys via the ZENNER delivery note portal. The electronic delivery bills for your order(s), including keys, are stored there and are available for download. You simply set up access to the portal once with the initial registration data printed on the paper delivery bill. You can find more information about this and PDF instructions at https://iot.zenner.shop/en/info-about-iot-device-keys. There is one exception, however: If you order your sensors with the additional option ZENNER IoT PLUG&PLAY, the keys will not be transferred to the delivery note portal, as the devices will in this case be automatically added for you in both the ZENNER Datahub and the B.One Gallery visualization tool. As far as the DevEUI is concerned, you can sometimes find it directly on the respective device or its outer packaging, but it is actually not the rule.
Hope this answers your question 🙂
Best regards,
Member17. November 2022 at 14:24 in reply to: Overview of functions and areas in the B.One CommunityHi Arne,
You can find a good general overview of the Community in the blog article “Your start in the B.One Community – areas & functions at a glance“ . Think that answers the question 🙂
Best regards
MichaelHi Dennis,
You get access to the ZENNER Datahub when you purchase a GatewayPLUS (Smart, Indoor or Outdoor) in the ZENNERShop. After you have placed your order, you will be sent the access data for the customer client you have created via email.
Best regards back
Hello Lukas,
In order to gain access to the B.One Gallery , you generally need an IoT GatewayPLUS from the ZENNERShop with the additional option ZENNER IoT PLUG&LAY (simply check the corresponding checkbox on the article page before ordering).
With the GatewayPLUS you get access to the LoRaWAN network and with the additional option PLUG&PLAY you also get the usage license for the B.One Gallery. After your order, an account will be created for you in the tool and you will receive an email to activate it afterwards.
Hello @Laxr7,
That sounds great! 🙂👍
May I ask where exactly the meters are now integrated? In the ZENNER Datahub or somewhere else?Best regards
You’re welcome, I saw from the other discussion that you’re probably a little further along with it now. I wish you continued success and maybe you can tell me how things went 🙂
Best regards
Hi @Laxr7 ,
you’re welcome🙂. Yes, you understood that correctly.
Access to the ZENNER Connect network and therefore also to the platform is always included when purchasing an IoT GatewayPLUS, currently for an initial period of 24 months and integration of up to 50 devices, see also at https://iot.zenner.shop/en/zenner-iot-plugandplay. A corresponding extension is then possible. You can then either add devices yourself on the platform or have them added via the booking service for a small additional charge if you order them from the ZENNERShop. With the appropriate device keys, you could easily integrate your existing meters there. May I ask where these are currently integrated?
As far as the specific price is concerned, it ultimately depends on which gateway you want. Here is the current status for a pure gateway purchase incl. Connectivity without sensors:
- GatewayPLUS SMART >> 125 €
- GatewayPLUS Indoor >> 369 €
- GatewayPLUS Outdoor >> 989 €
- Extension of network usage for 1 additional year + additional 50 devices>> + 60€
Best wishes 🙋♂️
Hi Ingo, this is great, I’m glad to hear that 🙂👍
Hi @dennis_st, you always have access to the ZENNER Datahub, regardless of whether you select the practical additional option ZENNER IoT PLUG&PLAY or not. However, with the option you also receive a license to use the B.One Gallery to visualize your sensor data.