LoRaWAN® on the Construction Site: Use cases, advantages practical examples
– 📖🕓 ≈ 5 min – There are also useful use cases on the construction site that you can implement with the help of IoT sensors and LoRaWAN®. We present some of them, explain the advantages LoRaWAN® offers and how you can implement the whole thing in practice.
B.One Community Howto: Staying Up to Date
– 📖🕓 ≈ 4 min – Want to stay informed about new activities and contributions here in the Community? We show you how to ensure that.
Indoor Climate Dashboard based on the ZENNER Datahub Part 2: Technical Implementation
– 📖🕓 ≈ 6 min – In the first part of this small series, we showed you an implementation example for a room dashboard based on the ZENNER Datahub. Now let’s take a closer look at its technical implementation.
B.One Gallery Howto: Set Up & Manage Notifications
– 📖🕓 ≈ 4 min – The B.One Gallery offers the option of setting up notifications for critical status changes in order to be informed immediately. We show you how easy it is.
B.One Community Howto: Use forums for knowledge exchange
– 📖🕓 ≈ 6 min – As a registered member of the B.One Community, topic-specific forums for a mutual knowledge exchange have recently become available to you. Learn more about them now and how to get the most out of them.
Interview zur Kooperation zwischen Hailo Digital Hub & ZENNER Connect
– 📖🕓 ≈ 5 min – Vor kurzem haben wir über die Kooperation zwischen der ZENNER Connect und dem Hailo Digital Hub (h16b) berichtet. In einem Interview verraten die Geschäftsführer der beiden Firmen nun noch mehr über die Hintergründe dieser.
Besserer Hochwasser-Schutz mit LoRaWAN® und der KWMSys
– 📖🕓 ≈ 5 min – Mit LoRaWAN® und der KWMSys GmbH könnt ihr die Mitmenschen in eurer Stadt, Gemeinde oder Region besser vor Starkregen- und Hochwasser-Ereignissen schützen. Erfahrt jetzt mehr darüber.
Hailo Digital Hub + ZENNER Connect – Starke Kooperation für mehr Nachhaltigkeit
– 📖🕓 ≈ 3 min – ZENNER Connect begrüßt Hailo Digital Hub als neuen starken Kooperationspartner. Erfahrt im Beitrag, wie diese Partnerschaft genau aussieht und warum sie eine wichtigen Beitrag zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit sowie einem besseren Klima leistet.
Indoor Climate Dashboard based on the ZENNER Datahub Part 1: An Implementation Example
– 📖🕓 ≈ 7 min – [Update des ursprünglichen Artikels vom 22.07.2022] The use of LoRaWAN® sensors in combination with a dashboard is ideal for monitoring the indoor climate in meeting rooms. That’s why we’re presenting a small series of articles that show you what a self-programmed indoor climate dashboard tailored to individual requirements based on the ZENNER Datahub IoT platform can look like.
Monitoring Plants with IoT Sensors and LoRaWAN®: The Use Case
– 📖🕓 ≈ 3 min – Are you also always unsure whether or when your plants will need water again and how much? Or do you have to ensure a certain indoor climate for them, but are wondering how? LoRaWAN® based IoT sensors provide a remedy…
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