Community Forum B.One Gallery Forum How can I show my “non-IOT data” in the charts?

  • How can I show my “non-IOT data” in the charts?

    Posted by Roman_AC on 11. December 2022 at 19:06

    Hello everyone,

    I have an IOT temperature sensor and a heat meter (heat pump) that send their data via Lorawan. I can display the diagrams of both sensors individually or as a combo. Since my electricity meter is only a smart one but does not send any data automatically, I record the meter readings manually on a weekly basis. (meter reading)

    Unfortunately, I can’t manage to display this value in a diagram together with the other IOT sensors.

    Does anyone have a tip for me?
    Thank you & greetings from Aachen

    Community Admin replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Community Admin

    19. December 2022 at 10:18

    Hello Roman,

    thanks for this good question. In fact, we were unfortunately able to reproduce this and our manually entered meter reading data is currently not displayed in the diagrams either. We have reported the issue to the development team and will provide an update as soon as possible. Hope you can get by with other things until then.

    Kind regards🙋‍♂️

    • Community Admin

      22. December 2022 at 9:18

      Hi Roman,

      it turned out that a bug had crept in here, but it has now been fixed🙂. Please check again whether your manually entered values ​​are now also displayed in your diagrams and whether they are correct. If not, just let us know.

      Thanks and best regards

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